
Goomalling townsite

Shown below is a detailed map of Goomalling’s facilities to help you find your way in and around town.

Street map of Goomalling WA
Detailed map of Goomalling townsite with facilities and points of interest

Alternatively, you can use this interactive map of Goomalling to get your bearings around our townsite, shire and region. You’ll also be able to find rivers, accommodation, parks, shops and places to eat.

Include a stay in Goomalling when you plan your travels in our region:

Make use of Goomalling’s businesses, community and health services while you’re here:

Travelling from Perth

Map: Goomalling is 132km from Perth, close to Toodyay, Northam and Dowerin and not too far from York and Gingin
Goomalling, only 132km from Perth, is at the heart of a lovely region with plenty to see and do

Goomalling is about 30 minutes drive north east of popular tourist destination Toodyay.

It’s slightly closer to Northam which is famous for hot air ballooning, the Avon River Festival and Avon Descent.

Be sure to include a visit to Jennacubbine on your way past; it’s only 5km off the main road coming from either Toodyay or Northam.


Further East

Goomalling is the second Wheatbelt town on the Pioneers’ Pathway, an alternative self-drive route from Perth to Merredin, following the path once used by prospectors on their way to the Yilgarn and Kalgoorlie goldfields. The historic Slater Homestead in Goomalling was once a wayside inn catering for these pioneers, and has now been restored to its former glory displaying the way of life back in the 1800s.

Pioneers' Pathway, Western Australia
The Pioneers’ Pathway, an alternative route from Perth to Merridin passing through Goomalling and other interesting Wheatbelt towns.

Public transport

Public transport to Goomalling is limited, but not impossible.

The TransWA bus line between Perth and Geraldton services Goomalling twice a week in each direction. On Monday and Thursday morning coming from Perth, and on Tuesday and Friday afternoon returning to Perth.

Look on the TransWA website or call 1300 66 22 05 for the timetable, to check availability and prices, and to book your seat.

Come experience Goomalling