Mumberkine and nearby Wongamine were social hubs in Goomalling prior to the Jennacubbine township. The Mumberkine Hall used to be a venue for dances and other gatherings; there was a Mumberkine Literary Society, Mumberkine football and cricket teams, and a Mumberkine Military troop of the 18th Australian Light Horse.
The hall, built in 1897, is in good condition and is the oldest public building in the Shire.
The Mumberkine Hall is near the corner of Tyndall Rd and the Goomalling-Toodyay Rd, about 20km south of the Goomalling townsite, and only a few minutes drive to Jennacubbine.
Mumberkine Hall is located on land excised in 1896 from a lease-hold held by William H Butterly, with the government granting the standard sum of 250P towards construction. The architect was Howard Evans, with C & W Hasson builders submitting a quote of 269P 10S, which was accepted. Stones for the foundation were carried from Butterly’s Mumberkine farm and the bricks were baked on the property of William Sheen.
The building was opened by the Commissioner of Crown Lands, George Throssell, on 2 September 1898. Guests attended a sumptuous banquet followed by a concert in the brightly decorated building.
Mrs M Madew commenced Sunday school classes in mid-1959 for children of families who attended Anglican Services at Mumberkine.
In 1961 residents of the area agreed that the Mumberkine Hall be transferred to the Anglican Church Trust as a Church known as St. Lukes.