Gabby Quoi Quoi is an area covering 20,784 hectares in the Shires of Goomalling
and Wongan Hills.
Gabby Quoi Quoi is a Noongar word meaning water plenty plenty.
The Gabby Quoi Quoi Catchment Group consists of farming families working together across farm boundaries to improve the landscape.
This has included native revegetation and strategies for saline river flats, management of remnant native vegetation, sand plain seep, tagasaste, tree variety trials and saltbush establishment.
The Gabby Quoi Quoi Lookout is a great place to see the hundreds of thousands of trees that have been planted by these families to improve the environment, increase biodiversity and help farm profits through improved sustainability. Intrigued? Find out more about the achievements of the Gabby Quoi Quoi Catchment Group, come and have a look, and/or book a tour.
Catchment Group member Margaret Davey conducts tours of Gabby Quoi Quoi (by appointment only and for a fee). Please contact Margaret on (08) 9620 1245 or for details.